S1: E5 Bookmarks
I came across a Disney Family article that shared free printable Disney bookmarks. It had 8 adorable designs and I thought, hey, maybe I could do something like that.
During quarantine, a friend of mine started a virtual book club and we just finished our second book, "Stillness is the Key" by Ryan Holiday. (HIGHLY recommend it!) During our meetings we all share our thoughts, quotes, and what resonates with us. It was interesting to see when we all wrote down the same quotes we enjoyed.
Now, pause.
In this book club, I started it only knowing one person. There has been around 10 of us that have attended every meeting or so and we all live around the country. I know back in the day our parents told us to not talk to strangers on the internet, but this crew feels like anything but strangers. We have all connected and shared a lot, which has been perfect for this situation of isolation we have all found ourselves in for the past two months. So, if any of my book club peeps are reading this.. THANK YOU <3
Since I love this crew so much, I created my own printable bookmarks for them! I chose 3 quotes we all enjoyed;
"Give more. Give what you didn't get. Love more. Drop the old story."
"No one is alone, in suffering or in joy."
Together, they make a great little set. I had a watercolor painting I did back in college that I used for the background to unify them, but also made sure the quotes made them stand out. At the bottom, I cited the title and author, as well as threw in the new book club logo I made for fun! Sometimes you just have to push the envelope and design for FUN!
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