
Showing posts from April, 2021

S2: E13 Five Years, Flat Tires, and A Shot

  A lot can happen in one week.  Literally one week ago, I was driving home in a familiar neighborhood when an unfamiliar black hole of a pothole appeared. Just by the sound of it, I knew my tire was a goner. When I finally got the new one, another tire was found rather low... oh, that's because there was an itty bitty nail that decided to move in! If you know me, then you know all of the car trouble I have had over the years. It is honestly comical at this point!  When things like this happen I tend to say, "I can't catch a break," or think, "Why me?" I'm sure we all do that. But these things happen to ALL OF US. (Well, I don't know anyone else who has had their license plate stolen, but I digress.) Flat tires are common though and it's an easy, though expensive, fix. After this happened, I was talking to my best friend and I began listing off all of the things that have gone wrong with my car. She responded in a way that I will now keep in the ...

S2: E12 Add Some Color

A friend of mine gave me a coloring book called "More Good Vibes" for my birthday this year and it was exactly what I needed. I mean, who doesn't need more good vibes in their life?! Each page has inspiring quotes or words, and encourages you to add your own details throughout the page.  As a kid, I would love to color or draw. Sometimes I had something specific in mind and other times it was just a canvas of scribbles. It was fun then, and it still is now! I was so excited each night this week to add a little more here and there to the page. I put in my headphones, sharpened my pencils, grabbed some markers, and tuned out the real world for a bit.  The words on the page really resonated with me and needed to be brought to life. "Be kind to yourself." It is so easy to let negative thoughts take over and tell you things that are not true. I am learning to create positives from them instead. I wouldn't say bad things about my friends, so why do I say them to m...

S2: E11 A Little Bit David

A year ago yesterday was the series finale of Schitt's Creek. Unfortunately, I was very behind on this phenomenon, and did not watch it all until later in quarantine. Two friends had recommended it and I am SO GLAD THEY DID! This quickly became one of my favorite shows and David became one of my favorite people, ever.  I love how tv shows are meant for entertainment, but they can end up being so much more. When it comes to series finales I am always a wreck because I get so close to the characters and their stories. Boy Meets World -  Mr. Feeny saying, "I love you all. Class Dismissed," is making me cry just typing it! The end of FRIENDS  when they all leave the apartment... forget it! Don't make me go on. (Hopefully these aren't spoilers because these shows are from the 90s, haha) Also, even though I just finished The Office  last year, too, you bet I balled at the ending. "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good ole days, before you've actua...

S2: E10 Let Go

I have always had a hard time with changes throughout my life. Even though it is the one constant thing to happen. But as I get older, I am realizing how much it is needed and I have been embracing it. Life would be boring if everything stayed the same. Imagine where we would be today if things didn't change and progress.  Two years ago, I was in need of a new car REAL BAD. My Ford Taurus was good to me for my first years of driving, and more. It got me here and there, but eventually, it was time for something different. Me being me, I felt bad having to get rid of it and thinking about all the good times driving my friends around and going to fun places. But it wasn't even safe to drive anymore... no power steering, the floor was rotted, my door wouldn't shut in the winter time, needless to say, I had very low standards when looking for a new one. Now I have my Nissan Sentra and I love it SO MUCH! There are so many new features that I didn't have before, and the overal...