S2: E11 A Little Bit David

A year ago yesterday was the series finale of Schitt's Creek. Unfortunately, I was very behind on this phenomenon, and did not watch it all until later in quarantine. Two friends had recommended it and I am SO GLAD THEY DID! This quickly became one of my favorite shows and David became one of my favorite people, ever. 

I love how tv shows are meant for entertainment, but they can end up being so much more. When it comes to series finales I am always a wreck because I get so close to the characters and their stories. Boy Meets World - Mr. Feeny saying, "I love you all. Class Dismissed," is making me cry just typing it! The end of FRIENDS when they all leave the apartment... forget it! Don't make me go on. (Hopefully these aren't spoilers because these shows are from the 90s, haha) Also, even though I just finished The Office last year, too, you bet I balled at the ending. "I wish there was a way to know you were in the good ole days, before you've actually left them." UGH 😭

Anyways, the end of Schitt's Creek got me just like all my other favorites have. I miss my daily dose of David and all his amazing phrases and outfits. I was so proud of how he grew throughout the show and where he ended up. To show my love for him, I came up with this design shown below, originally used for a birthday card with his phrase, "I feel like that needs to be celebrated." Another classic line is, "I'm trying very hard not to connect with people right now," which after 2020, I think we can all relate to that! 

As of right now, Redbubble is deciding whether or not I am allowed to have this design on the site, but if they accept it, then you can find it as a sticker, magnet, button, or on greeting cards! I am really proud of how this simplistic portrait turned out and I feel like it perfectly captures David and his essence. 

To some extent, I think we are all a little bit David and there is nothing wrong with that,.



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